Get to know our protocols
The protocols developed at Holistic Clinic & SPA are a series of natural therapies that aim to cleanse and detoxify the various organs and systems of the body. Each protocol is focused on achieving a specific objective and is based on the masterful combination of the various branches of Holistic Medicine and the cleansing programs of Dr. Hulda Clark.
Dr. Hulda Clark's herbal cleansing protocols are a set of natural therapies designed to help cleanse and detoxify different organs and systems of the body. Each protocol focuses on a specific goal and relies on the use of herbs and supplements to support the function and health of the organ or system in question.
Our detoxification protocols are unique in the world.
Our detoxification protocols are unique in the world.
and form one of the main pillars of the Holistic Method.
The first step in getting back on the road to a healthy life is to get rid of toxins and microorganisms that have accumulated over the years.
and form one of the main pillars of the Holistic Method.
The first step in getting back on the road to a healthy life is to get rid of toxins and microorganisms that have accumulated over the years.
Parasite Cleansing
The presence of parasites in our body can have negative repercussions on our health and well-being.
By ridding our body of these unwanted invaders, we can prevent disease and improve our quality of life.
Intestinal cleansing
Intestinal cleansing is a crucial factor for our overall well-being, as it helps eliminate the accumulation of stagnant fecal matter as well as toxins from food.
Renal cleansing
The practice of kidney cleansing through Holistic Medicine is of vital importance to keep our kidneys in good condition and promote excellent overall health. By eliminating toxins, accumulated wastes and stones we substantially improve kidney function.
Heavy metal detoxification
Performing a heavy metal cleanse through holistic medicine is essential to reduce the toxic load in our body and promote optimal health, preventing chronic disease and improving the function of our systems. Holistic medicine offers us natural and safe approaches to detoxify our body and keep it free of heavy metals.
Limpieza Hepática
It is essential to maintain the health and optimal functioning of the liver. By eliminating toxins, we improve digestion, balance hormones and protect against disease.
Holistic medicine provides us with natural and safe methods to support and detoxify our liver, allowing us to live a healthier and more balanced life.
Parasite Cleansing
The presence of parasites in our body can have negative repercussions on our health and well-being.
By ridding our body of these unwanted invaders, we can prevent disease and improve our quality of life.
Intestinal cleansing
Intestinal cleansing is a crucial factor for our overall well-being, as it helps eliminate the accumulation of stagnant fecal matter as well as toxins from food.
Renal cleansing
The practice of kidney cleansing through Holistic Medicine is of vital importance to keep our kidneys in good condition and promote excellent overall health. By eliminating toxins, accumulated wastes and stones we substantially improve kidney function.
Heavy metal detoxification
Performing a heavy metal cleanse through holistic medicine is essential to reduce the toxic load in our body and promote optimal health, preventing chronic disease and improving the function of our systems. Holistic medicine offers us natural and safe approaches to detoxify our body and keep it free of heavy metals.
Limpieza Hepática
It is essential to maintain the health and optimal functioning of the liver. By eliminating toxins, we improve digestion, balance hormones and protect against disease.
Holistic medicine provides us with natural and safe methods to support and detoxify our liver, allowing us to live a healthier and more balanced life.
Es importante destacar que antes de comenzar cualquiera de estos protocolos herbolarios de limpieza, se debe consultar a un profesional de la salud capacitado, como un médico o un herbolario, para obtener una evaluación adecuada y personalizada.
Además, durante la realización de estos protocolos, es esencial mantener una dieta equilibrada y un estilo de vida saludable para optimizar los resultados y favorecer el proceso de limpieza y desintoxicación del cuerpo.